R&D Director-IRST-RDD

Research and Development Director Award-IRST-RDD-2019
IRST-RDD-2019 Award is proposed to encourage the person may be an expert in one or more areas of science. Conducting research with the aim of developing new technologies and practical methods.Scientists can be motivated in several ways. Many have a desire to understand why the world is as we see it and how it came to be. They exhibit a strong curiosity about reality. This award Exceptional research record of significant contribution to the laboratory/institute/industry. The qualification of the nominee must be recognized and documented by corresponding successes in research, such as Grants, Patents, Collaboration with Industries/Institutions, Contracts, Publications (Articles and Books), Special Awards and other specific accomplishments.

Vision : To celebrate teaching as the noblest profession in the World

Mission : To recognize extraordinary teachers who have demonstrated excellence in engaging their students in ‘Inspiring – Innovative – Path breaking ways to ignite their potential’

Objectives : To honor the individuals for their achievements and contributions in the field of teaching.

General terms and Conditions :
Nominee should be an IRST member and above the age of 45 years as on 31st December 2018.
Age certificate (copy of passport/X class school certificate/birth certificate) is required as the proof of age.
Main criteria for the awards are performance based on applied research/publications/impact factors/ citations / patents / technology transfers, etc.
The evaluation sheet must be filled properly and each claim should be supported by the document failing with that the award would not be considered.
Last date to receive the nominations is 30th September 2019.
Incomplete applications will be rejected without any further notice.
Award: Certificate, Bronze Medal and Memento. It’s a Non-financial Award.

Registration Fee-2,500/- along with Participation Certificate and one Free FDP in INDIA.

Nomination Application for 3rd IRST Best Director/Principal Awards IRST-DA- 2018



Section-I Discipline (Refer clause 3.1 of the regulations) 


University/College Name

Accreditation by

Section-II Personal Information 

Name of the Applicant


Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Marital Status
Primary Email Address
Secondary Email Address
Mobile Number
Years of Experience

Address for Communication

Section-III Previous connection with the IRST-IRA Internal Foundation 

Have you attended any events organized by the IRST (Mention Yes or No)

If yes, mention the year and name of the event



Section-I Present Employment 

Name & Address of the Organization

Date of Joining



Official/Personal Web Page

Section-II Details of University/Institution Studied (Bachelor’s level and above) 


Degree Discipline Name of the Institution Year Class
Section-III Research/Constancy Projects (Mention the latest one completed) 
Title Funding Agency Amount Duration
Section-IV Patents Granted (Mention the latest one) 
Title Inventor(s) Patent No. Date


Section-V List your current R&D Activities (word limit: 75 words)
Section -VI Professional Accomplishments (Mention total numbers only)
Criteria Status Nos
Patents Granted/Under Process
Research Grants / Consultancy Projects Completed/Sanctioned
SCI/SSCI Indexed Articles Published/Accepted
SCOPUS Indexed Articles Published/Accepted
PhD Students
Invited Presentations
Countries Visited For Study/For Presentation
Awards Received International/National



I hereby declare that I have carefully read the regulations of the IRST-DA 2018. I confirm that to the best of my knowledge, the information given in this form is correct and complete. At any time I am found to have concealed/distorted any material information, my application shall be liable to be summarily terminated without notice/compensation. I agree to IRST to process the data submitted in this application form, or any other data that the foundation may obtain from me for any purposes connected with IRST-DA 2018 for any other legitimate reason.

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