- Agricultural Sciences
- Biochemistry & Bioinformatics
- Cancer / Oncology
- Genetics
- Medical / Clinical Science
- Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproduction
- Molecular Biology
- Neuroscience / Neurology
- Physiology & Sports science
- Public Health & Epidemiology
- Immunology
- Biotechnology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Civil & Structural Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Manufacturing & Materials Science
- Nanotechnology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Telecommunications
- Electrical & Electronic
- Data Mining / Image Mining / Cloud Computing
- Computer Science Engineering
- Development Studies
- Education
- Human Resource Management
- IT / Strategic Marketing
- Social Work, Social Policy & Administration
- Modern Languages & Linguistics
- Philosophy
- Health Sciences
- The Middle East & African Studies (MENA)
- Architecture & The Built Environment
- Nursing
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Public Health
- Food Science & Nutrition
- Complimentary & Alternative Medicine
- Psychology & Psychiatry
- Politics & Sociology
- Accounting & Finance
- Marketing
- Classics & Ancient History
- Law
- Operational Research
Complicated Admission Process

Everybody is busy professional these days. If you’re one among them, it’s getting to be much difficult for Ph.D. The admission plus process is so complicated.
Time Problem for Admission

If you think you can complete a Ph.D.
Time-Consuming PhD

If you think that you’ll complete a Ph.D. on your own then you’ve needed to place it in your mind that it’ll time consuming and everything goes to be time-consuming.
How to Get Started

Ph.D. Research is extremely vast, if you’ve got made up your mind in Ph.D. then you’ll be lost if you begin on your own – the way to start.
The idea for Research Topic

Finding a search topic is many efforts – this is often one the foremost commonly asked questions we get as we are known for ages.
Pressure from the University

Yes! This generally happens with scholars!
Problems with Guide

This another issue of a scholar. There are many problems a Scholar faces with his/her Guide. There are too many to mentions here.
No External Help

That’s the truth in the world of Ph.D. research work, you face to face all problems by yourself but we can help you — that’s what we love to do.
Professional & Personal Life

That’s the truth in the world of Ph.D. research work, you face to face all problems by yourself but we will assist you — that’s what we like to do.
Professional & Personal Life
Professional & Personal Life
But We can Help you

We know you have been facing problems for edges, but if enroll via then your problems become our problems & you’ve nothing but solutions.
Professional & Scholar -Both

We know you have been facing problems for edges, but if enroll via then your problems become our problems & you’ve nothing but solutions.
Professional &
100% Ph.D. Completion

will be achieved within the period. This is our time commitment.

Entrance Exam Support
You don’t need to worry about your entrance examination and it means our support within the entrance test could mean 100% selection in your Ph.D. Admission. All you’ve got to try to do is to urge ready for the further stage. Your admission is guaranteed.

Topic Selection
we get feedback from the candidate’s interest within the research area, then we carefully observe, analyze, and expert’s view the themes that the candidate studied in his Master’s or previous studies.

Guide Selection
We provide an appropriate guide registered with the University, and that we notify the candidate about the guide under whom the research of the candidate is going to be administered until the DOCTORATE is achieved. We confirm he/she is sort of suitable and highly expert within the research field of the candidate.

The panel of expert writers finally begin to organize the research proposal (Synopsis) on the subject the candidate showed interest in doing the research. The length of the synopsis is typically around 25-30 pages.

Many people assume that a Ph.D. program only has a research component. While this is often true for many programs but it doesn’t hold for all. It is therefore common to seek out coursework in Ph.D. This is meant to assist the scholars to grasp the world of study better also as improve their research writing skills.

Coursework Exams
Whatever course of studies you’re following within the Ph.D. Coursework, there’ll almost certainly be some sort of assessment involved. Written assignments & exams completed during your course or examinations are the most common methods used to assess students’ learning. You may have a mix of exams and coursework.

For scholars who aren’t much conversant in the method of writing assignments, it’d appear to be a quite intimidating task to be handed an assignment that may include thousands. Scholars should be conversant in writing academic papers by the time they reach university level, anyway, we will assist you all the way.

Article Writing
After acceptance of our articles, the publisher publishes them within the name of the candidate, alongside the small print of the guide and therefore the University. The publications are then submitted to the University

Article Publication

6 Monthly Report
We will even look out of the six-monthly report that students and therefore the guide’s performance is sent to the university. Once we assist you to get in admission in your required subject, we also prepare the six-monthly report, keeping it in-tuned with you so that we keep you updated, and noting your guide’s instructions and guidelines.

Conference & Seminar
At the seminar, the interested scholars who are within the common specialized field use many creative ideas to explore knowledge, like competition, questions quizzes, and ideas to understand knowledge. The presence of a specialist is vital as they monitor each and everything

Thesis preparation
Our writers support you to arrange the thesis/project ( on the chosen topic/proposal) within the standard formats and thus the wants of the candidate. Throughout the writing process, we keep updated the entire process to the candidate and obtain feedback from time to time. The length Thesis might be 200 to 250 pages.

Thesis Presentation
The Thesis is finally approved. the decision for a viva/interview is shipped to the candidate.

Viva Voce

You’re Doctorate
If the committee feels everything is ideal within the Thesis and if no loophole is found within the candidate’s research work, the Completion Certificate is obtainable to the scholar. The scholar could officially be called a DOCTORATE. If the committee feels everything is perfect in the Thesis and if no loophole is found in the candidate’s research work, the Completion Certificate is offered to the scholar. The scholar could officially be called a DOCTORATE.
Exam Support

This is one among our services and features that we support you within the examination process – we affirm the prospect of success is 100%
Topic Selection

Though this is often a challenging part of services and features as we provide you various assistance options for Topic Sections – One is enough.
Appointment of Guide

Research work.
Synopsis Preparation

We wish to take feedback once we enter the Synopsis Preparation Stage; our team members are getting to be in-tuned with you and may assist you
Research Approval

The chance of getting your proposal accepted is guaranteed as we’ve been helping scholars within the world for ages which all of them succeeded.
Thesis Preparation

This is the ultimate stage of the entire research work where once we involve ourselves in helping you prepare a Thesis for your Ph.D. research.
Min. University Visits

We can manage your visits as you’re too busy in business life, but they’re a couple of visits which are compulsory and therefore the rest is managed.
Traveling Support

When the time for paying visits to college comes, we’ll take this responsibility – Traveling and Accommodation; Coming & Going.
Time Commitment

completion is going to be achieved within the amount and this is often our time commitment.
Academic Documents

Form Fill Up & Verified by the Candidate
Form submitted to Uni

& Registration No Issued
Topic Selection

& Confirmation from the candidate
Appointment of Guide

A suitable guide is provided
Synopsis Hard-bound Printing

Synopsis Preparation is done
RDC/DRC Meeting

A meeting at the University
Thesis Preparation &

Course Work
Hard-Bound Thesis

Submission & then Viva Voce
Criteria | Price in US$ | Price in Rupees |
PhD Topic Selection | (5 topics) | 60 | 5000* |
PhD Proposal | (1000 -2000 words) | 135 | 9000* |
PhD Literature Review | (5,500 –6,000 words) | 310 | 15000* |
PhD Research Methodology | (4500 words) | 275 | 20,000* |
PhD Statistical Analysis | (Contact Us) | 385 | 21,000* |
PhD Manuscript | (2000 -2500 words) | 385 | 30,000* |
PhD Dissertation Editing | (12000 -14000 words) | 690 | 55,000* |
PhD Thesis | (25000 words) | 1230 | 90,000* |